Frequently Asked Questions About Word of Hope Community Church
What are your beliefs?
Read our Statement of Beliefs. Feel free to contact us with any questions.
What are your service times?
The Word of Hope Community Church holds regular worship service on Sundays at 12:00 PM and Prayer Service on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM. Moreover, Bible or Word Study is held on Tuesdays at 7:30 PM. We invite you to join us for a time of worship, prayer, and biblical teaching. Join us for either service in person or on Zoom.
How can I get involved with the church?
There are many ways to get involved at Word of Hope Community Church. We have a variety of ministries, small groups, and volunteer opportunities available. Please speak with one of our friendly team members to learn more about how you can plug in and serve.
What is your dress code for services?
At Word of Hope Community Church, we have a casual and welcoming atmosphere. You are welcome to attend our services in whatever attire you feel comfortable wearing.
What is your vision?
God has sent us to minister to the un-churched in our communities by providing a family caring environment, cultivating a spirit of love and compassion for souls and bringing healing to hurting people and broken lives, proving diversity in worship and creating the environment for spiritual growth while sustaining believers in the faith.
What is your mission?
The mission of Word of Hope Community Church Inc is to glorify God and serve Him forever! Ephesians 3:21; Romans 11:36; 1st Peter 4:11, Matthew 22:37, Acts 2:42 by
- Shining the light by Loving God with our whole hearts and mind and by loving our neighbors as ourselves
- Presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ to unbelievers through teaching and preaching and by our way of life in our communities
- Encouraging believers to be committed to Jesus Christ through teaching and preaching and by our way of life
- Equipping and sending believers into the missionary field to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ
What is your goal?
The goal of World of Hope Community Church is to stand for the historic, fundamental truths of Scripture and equip the saints for service:
- To build up the body of Christ for unity in the Spirit
- To provide strong Christian leadership for the Church
- To help believers develop a spiritual relationship with God
- To provide Christian education for members
- To support missions; both foreign and domestic
- To provide support and leadership for Christian youth
What are your values?
- Christ-likeness
- Faithfulness
- Fruitfulness
- Accountability
- Excellence
- Compassion for the “un-churched”
- Service
- Family center
- Generosity
- Fun
What is your statement of faith?
At the World of Hope Community Church, we believe in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, thereby believing in the Holy Trinity. We believe that Jesus Christ of Nazareth was born of the Virgin Mary, was crucified, died, buried and rose again on the third day. We believe in the confession and forgiveness of sins, and we believe that “All Scriptures are given by the inspiration of God,” by which we understand that the Holy Bible is the inspired word of God, and is the primary basis of instruction in all matters concerning salvation and the spirituality of man. This church acknowledges as its sole Head, Jesus Christ of Nazareth as the son of God and savior of all mankind (2nd Timothy 3:16).
What is your general purpose?
The General Purpose of the World of Hope Community Church is:
- To establish and maintain a place of worship, instruction, and encouragement
- To unite people of like faith in the bonds of Christian love and fellowship (Hebrews 13:1)
- To worship the Lord Jesus Christ in spirit and in truth and to receive Christian teaching (John 4:24)
- To point unbelievers to God’s plan of salvation
- To provide an atmosphere in which to cultivate and mold Christian conduct and spiritual lifestyle based on the Holy Bible
- To equip Believers for ministry in the church and missionary work in the community and the world
- To visit the sick and the shut-in, feed those who are hungry, provide shelter for the homeless, and visit those in prison